wsparcie sprzedaży odblokowanie kont amazon z altumtrade

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Launching and implementing the sale of products on Amazon platforms and in the store

Amazon and Kaufland offer a wide range of sales opportunities and are excellent places to expand the sales of your products both to other European and global markets!

To avoid unnecessary complications, failures and stress, it is worth entrusting the management of Amazon accounts to experts from Altum Trade, who will deal with the sale of goods, account management and ongoing communication with the platform and clients. With help in handling the account, it is possible to avoid the mistakes of novice sellers and earn without personal energy.

Product implementation stages:

  1. During the initial consultation, we discuss together your seller’s needs and the initial scope of work in which we can help you.
  2. We analyze your industry and products, and then choose the right marketing strategy – we choose markets, suggest which products are suitable for sale on amz. We discuss FBM vs FBA models. We discuss logistics, legal and tax issues.
  3. We send you a list of documents needed to open an account on Amazon platforms and in the store.
  4. Once we receive the required information from you, we create and register your merchant account.
  5. We configure shipping settings, return policies, return addresses, and other account options.
  6. Based on the list of names, details and product descriptions received from you (e.g. in Excel format), we create listings and add products to the Amazon and/or store.
  7. We optimize your offer, and in case of errors, we correct them so that the listings are active

The account creation service takes ~30 days from the moment you send us the materials and documents. It includes advice, consulting, account registration and configuration, upload up to 100 eans, and account maintenance for 30 days from the moment of sending us documents.

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wsparcie sprzedaży odblokowanie kont amazon z altumtrade
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