Creating an Amazon account

A seemingly simple activity can turn out to be quite a challenge. One Amazon account can be set up per company. Failure to take care of the process of setting up an account may result in irreversible consequences, so it is worth considering handing over this process to someone who has done it many times – he knows the process and knows what to pay attention to.

This need gave rise to one of our services, i.e. setting up and registering an Amazon account. With us you can be sure that it will be done correctly and safely.

Setting up an account on Amazon is not only the registration itself, but also setting the return policy, shipping rules and prices or appropriate settings such as automatic pricing, automatic invoicing, etc…

We take full responsibility for correct account registration and seller central account settings.

Creating account on Amazon

We send/send a list of documents needed to set up an Amazon account and other documents needed for settings (e.g. shipping or return addresses).

After receiving the documents, we register the account (1-2 working days).

After registering the account, we verify it and go to the seller central account settings (1-5 business days).